We’re the leader of the Global Green Energy Solution.

Our revolutionary SGE Token is the Green-Blended Energy™ solution to address the global energy crisis with our patented self-charging Tesdison technology. SGE is the new green Technochasm to greatly benefit our modern-day generation and the next. 

We’re the leader of the Global Green Energy Solution.

Our revolutionary SGE Token is the Green-Blended Energy™ solution to address the global energy crisis with our patented self-charging Tesdison technology. SGE is the new green Technochasm to greatly benefit our modern-day generation and the next. 

The Revolutionary SGE Token Has Arrived

Our team has created SGE (Super Green Energy) token to start the commercialization of our U.S. patented, revolutionary green technology to save electricity to a world of energy crisis today and to eliminate environmental threat from fossil fuels.

Click the video link below to see what the Renowned Tech Expert Ian King talked about how the AI ENERGY could ignite $40 Trillion industry and change the world.

We’re the leader of the Global Green Energy Solution.

Our revolutionary SGE Token is the Green-Blended Energy™ solution to address the global energy crisis with our patented self-charging Tesdison technology. SGE is the new green Technochasm to greatly benefit our modern-day generation and the next. 

Easy To Transact

Easy To Transact

Convenient transactions with SGE tokens for energy buyers around the globe that need cost-saving green solutions.

No Fear Of Loss

No Fear Of Loss

Highly secured transaction using state-of-the-art blockchain-powered platform.

Increased Popular Demand

Increased Popular Demand

Worldwide corporate energy buyers, small or large, or the general public can enjoy SGE token usage to reduce exorbitant electric consumption in various applications.

Welcome to the SGE Movement

Our Mission is to Keep Our Mother Earth Green Again!

Our SGE token holders make a meaningful contribution to support the Super Green Earth Movement (SGEM) while helping our world a greener place to live. We’re anti-cheap, dirty energy that continually destroys our mother earth and proactive in creating a new Technochasm green solution to the world.

How SGE Token Saves Our Mother Earth with its Tesdison Technology

Offering the World‘s First Ever Self-Charging Energy Technology

We invent Tesdison technology, with its name derived from Tesla and Edison combined, is a breakthrough renewable energy solution that solves one of the world’s largest problems – global warming and radical climate change – by quickly reducing the dependence and burning of harmful fossil fuels.


Imagine just 5% of households own an EV in near future. Where can we find enough electricity supply? That is how SGE token comes into exigent solution to build our Tesdison systems at every corner of the world.

U.S. Patented Technology

U.S. Patented Technology

Patented battery storage and energy production system with US Patent No. 10,547, 179, B2.

99% Energy Efficiency

99% Energy Efficiency

Produces minimum 40% more energy than the stored battery capacity.

Completely Off-Grid Operation

Completely Off-Grid Operation

Operates completely off-grid without utility connection required.

No Discharge Limit

No Discharge Limit

24/7, uninterrupted renewable energy continuously delivered.

The Green Benefits of Our Technology

The Deep Tech That Forever Changes the Energy Landscape

Tesdison Technology is a perfect turn-key solution to the challenge of “peak demand” electricity production and costs. 

Easy Deployment

Easy Deployment

Can be deployed at any existing power generation facility no matter the type of energy storage being used.

No Infrastructure Cost

No Infrastructure Cost

There is virtually no infrastructure development cost.

Significant Saving

Significant Saving

New revenue is created with no increase in overhead. More power can be generated using less resources.

Infinite Scalability

Infinite Scalability

Tesdison technology is infinitely scalable to meet varying demands.

Sustainable Revenue Model

Sustainable Revenue Model

Global partnerships via our licensing agreements can be created for sustainable revenue sharing model.

A Replacement for other renewable initiatives

A Replacement for other renewable initiatives

Can be applied for a variety of applications that are energy-intensive – Bitcoin mining, data centers, EV infrastucture

$40 Trillion Industry

We partner with global energy players looking for deep green tech solutions.

There are just a few reasons why early SGE token holders will have a huge advantage as green tech adds $40 trillion in new revenue to the global economy.

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Years of arduous work toward U.S. patent granted

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SGE token holders around the globe ready to communicate

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Professional and experience team players

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Countries on the verge of energy crisis seeking new solutions

Bill Gates
    Bill Gates

    Microsoft Chairman

    “Climate change is a terrible problem; and it absolutely needs to be solved. It deserves to be a huge priority.”

    Elon Musk
      Elon Musk

      Tesla Founder

      “We will run out of energy and die. By definition, we must move towards renewable energy.”

      John McCain
        John McCain

        U.S. Senator

        For decades we have been living lives of abundance, with little regard for our natural resources or global health. But we are now facing hard choices in our energy policy. Future generations - my children and grandchildren, along with yours - will have to live with the decisions we make today. And so it is time for us to make some tough and - hopefully - smart choices regarding our energy use and production before it is too late.

        Jeff Bezos
          Jeff Bezos

          Amazon CEO

          “Amazon would implement de-carbonization strategies in line with the Paris agreement, alter its actual business activities to eliminate carbon."


          Token Sale

          Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusm tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco


          May 20,2021 (10:00 GMT)


          May 20,2021 (10:00 GMT)

          Number of tokens for sale

          900,000 ICC (9%)

          Tokens exchange rate

          1 ETH = 650 ICC, 1 BTC = 1940 ICC

          Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit sed do eiusmod
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          The world is evolving every single day anguishing over toxic treatments it does not deserve.
